Imagine yourself in the moment, writing about unknown events and circumstances which will take place deep into the future. I think that is the best way to describe the origin of this song.
With the release of my video IT DOESN'T MATTER MUCH TO ME, it got me thinking about another song I wrote during my tour in Vietnam. I was writing about the trust and friendship which had developed among the men around me who shared this unbelievable experience. I was wondering what would become of us and what kind of people would we ultimately become. And even though we shared many good times along with the bad, I wondered if we would ever be able to laugh again without a dark cloud hanging over our lives.
Would we be - LAUGHING BLUE
Listen to:
Track Number: 6
Album Title: TRUE BLUE
Artist: Old
Record Label: Namesake Music
UPC/EAN Code: 884502 473612
01 June 2009
Composed and Produced by: RB Smith
Copyright (c) Namesake
Music, BMI